BMW E83 X3 OEM LCM Light Control Module LM II
BMW E83 X3 OEM LCM Light Control Module LM II
OEM Part (Rebuilt or Remanufactured):
OEM Part (Rebuilt or Remanufactured):
We offer original equipment manufacturer (OEM) control modules that are rebuilt or remanufactured by us or trusted third parties. Each module is visually inspected, and we replace or upgrade components to prevent common failures specific to each type of computer. Unlike used parts from unknown sources, which may be near the end of their lifespan and prone to early failure, our remanufactured modules are thoroughly tested for quality and performance. These parts come with a warranty, and if they fail, you won't have to pay for reprogramming again, saving you both time and money in the long run.
How It Works:
How It Works:
To program our part, we require the customer to ship the original faulty core to us. We will extract the original programming and coding files, including the VIN, mileage, key synchronization codes, and other important calibration data, and transfer them to our ECU, making it identical to your original unit. Your original ECU will be recycled for parts at our facility, and you will receive a fully functional, plug-and-play ECU, complete with warranty.
Typically 2-3 business days. Exceptions may apply; please contact us for more details.
Our parts come with a 1-year warranty, covering defects within that period
Programming & Coding:
Programming & Coding:
Not required. Simply plug and drive.
Fits only X3 E83 LCI models:
X3 E83 LCI, X3 3.0i, SUV, N52N
X3 E83 LCI, X3 3.0si, SUV, N52N
Part numbers:
61353451623 3451623
61353450190 3450190
61353451527 3451527
61353448719 3448719
61353449687 3449687
61353427496 3427496