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Electronics Bench Testing Fee Disclaimer

Electronics Bench Testing Fee Disclaimer

Regular price $195.00 USD
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Disclaimer for Electronics Bench Testing Service

By acknowledging this disclaimer and proceeding with the electronics bench testing service provided by ECU Maverick, the customer agrees to the following terms:

1. Testing Fee

The electronics bench testing fee is paid for the time and expertise required to inspect and diagnose the customer's parts or equipment.

2. Purpose of Bench Testing

The purpose of the bench testing service is to evaluate the functionality of the customer's parts and provide recommendations for potential solutions to rectify any identified issues.

3. Non-Refundable Fee

The customer understands and accepts that the bench testing fee is non-refundable and non-returnable, regardless of the outcome of the testing or any subsequent actions taken by the customer.

4. Recommendations Disclaimer

The recommendations provided by ECU Maverick based on the bench testing results are for informational purposes only. The customer acknowledges that ECU Maverick is not liable for any consequences arising from the implementation or non-implementation of these recommendations.

5. Behavior & Service Refusal

The customer agrees that ECU Maverick reserves the right to refuse further service or repair if the customer fails to comply with the terms and conditions outlined herein or engages in disrespectful or abusive behavior towards ECU Maverick staff.

6. Acknowledgment of Terms

By proceeding with the electronics bench testing service, the customer acknowledges that they have read, understood, and agreed to the terms and conditions stated above.

7. Payment Confirmation

By submitting payment online, the customer acknowledges and agrees to abide by all terms and conditions set forth by ECU Maverick.

8. Disclaimer

While conducting testing, there is a possibility of accidental damage to electronic modules that may not be immediately apparent. Please be aware that our company cannot be held responsible for any damage that may occur during the testing process, as it may not be detectable at the time of the test.

Thank you for choosing ECU Maverick for your electronics bench testing service. We appreciate your trust in our expertise.

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